Archive for January, 2010

How To Choose Affordable Web Hosting

Friday, January 29th, 2010

For anyone who has a business or a hobby that they would like to share with the world, a website is essential. By creating a website you can communicate with people all over the world, twenty four hours a day. If you are building a business your website will be working for you whilst you sleep. To present your website to the world you need a hosting company who will house your website and make it accessible to everyone. The main problem you have is which web hosting package to select and how to find affordable web hosting.

There are many hosting companies out there with very affordable web hosting and most are reputable companies. Check out the hosting company carefully before you sign up to a contract to make sure you will receive all the services you need to keep your website up and running. A guaranteed uptime is a valuable service as it will ensure your website is available to be viewed for an optimum amount of time.

Reading the small print before you sign on the dotted line is important so that you know exactly what you are purchasing and the price you will be paying each month. Don’t discount a company because it has affordable web hosting as being unreliable, as with so much competition out there, web hosting companies have to offer services as cheap as possible.

Here at Host Store we can offer affordable web hosting as we have Linux operating systems which enable us to keep prices as low as possible whilst still providing a valuable service.


Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

VPS stands for “virtual private server”  What a VPS does is to give a client or customer the features and appearance of having a dedicated server, while in fact sharing the server with other clients of the web hosting service.  Each client on the server is sort of hidden behind a partition, making a bunch of smaller servers out of one big dedicated server.

Each VPS has its own operating system and can be rebooted without affecting the other clients or their operations on the server.  A VPS is usually the step that companies take when transitioning from a shared server situation to owning a dedicated server machine. The virtual private server does have some limitations. However, it is a step up from the shared system where what the client does may impact upon his or her neighbors. Yet won’t be as totally free as a solely dedicated server situation where nothing affects the client except his own stuff.

With VPS Hosting, your RAM and CPU are not as limited as in a shared system. You will still be limited by your web host in disk space, and bandwidth. The client benefits from VPS from being able to get into certain kinds of script set ups and the ability to access accounts. VPS Hosting is a more flexible way to host your website, but it is not as completely free as owning a dedicated server.

To sum up in a nutshell, the best features of VPS include dedicated server like services and affordable pricing. Isolation is another factor. This means each private server has its own unique file system and gives the client a guaranteed amount of disk space, CPU power, bandwidth and memory. The VPS also does not share web application and services with other websites and does not put the client in danger of downtime or hacks due to other client’s mistakes. VPS clients also get to customize their environment with their own software, applications and management. Finally, VPS is cheap, upwards of 50% less than owning a dedicated server.

VPS Web Hosting

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

VPS web hosting is the next biggest thing in the web hosting industry. VPS stands for virtual private server and what it is, is an environment created by installing partitions within a dedicated server to essentially make a number of individual smaller dedicated servers. Each of these little servers function the same way the big server functions. The benefit to the web host is that now, instead of one single server, the company can add clients, giving them each a virtual dedicated server to run their business. This is shared hosting with a twist. In VPS web hosting, the clients don’t share applications or operating systems or security for that matter. Each virtually created server functions alone. For each client this means greater control, flexibility and safety from the problems of their virtual neighbors on the other side of the partition.

Even better, VPS web hosting saves the clients money in the same way that sharing servers does, without the sacrifice of performance, security and flexibility. VPS web hosting is considered by industry experts to be the very lucrative stepping stone between shared hosting and dedicated web server hosting. Dedicated servers can cost up to $100 per month or more depending on the size of your operation. In VPS web hosting, the cost of hardware, software, network connectivity and maintenance is distributed among clients with any compromise on quality.

There is enhanced security within VPS hosting because each VPS server operates in its own environment and is protected from the instability of other users who may be running different applications. Clients have much more control of their personal environment and can customize to fit their business as it develops. And, there is no loss of power because of something another user does or tries to do. One thing that may pose a problem with VPS web hosting is that it requires a similar commitment to maintenance of the server like that required by a dedicated server. Another problem is power. As good as it may seem, VPS is still a step below dedicated server power.

It may seem like a dream come true, but it is still wise to investigate VPS web hosting before you sign any contracts. The best way to decide is to look at present needs and your long term needs. If they are functioning well, then maybe you don’t need to change. However if you’re not presently happy with performance then VPS web hosting is in your future.

VPS Server

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

A VPS server is a virtual  system using software of partitioning a server in such a way that it can be used by several customers at once. Each partition allows the unit to function as many dedicated servers wrapped up in one unit. Each virtual private server is like a condo  in a high rise building  instead of a stand a lone single family townhouse. Each VPS server has its own operating system, bandwidth and disk space. Each individual can be rebooted without affecting its neighbors on the dedicated web server.

A VPS server enables  the client to have  more control when compared to regular shared hosting.  VPS is better on the budget, costing less than dedicated servers. Experts do  consider VPS server to the preferred hosting solution for most small and medium sized businesses seeking to extend their presence on the internet. VPS servers sidestep the limitations of shared hosting giving more flexibility. VPS servers are not as flexible as a dedicated server, however. The actual partitioning of the server is done with software to create the virtual environment.

Within the VPS server,  the client is given added stability, with no fear of disruption caused by  other VPS server neighbors. Those on the other side of the partition. The performance of your website improves, becoming faster, with better load times. VPS servers give each client more disk space, CPR and RAM  And it goes without saying there is more flexibility built into this type of system. Before you select a VPS  server system, you should  do some research and ask questions about the features being offered by each web hosting entity. Ask about the costs of root access for instance. Root access grants you complete control over your VPS account from configuration through software applications.

Ease of operation of the VPS server  means the server can  handle interface from a control panel application.  Management and support should be similar to a dedicated hosting account, since most VPS  servers requires  the client to manage his or her own server. If you don’t have the technical skills ask the company to provide them for you. Good service providers will always actively monitor the network and hardware, thus ensuring security stability. However, ask about this before you sign the contract.

Determine just  how much resource is provided for multiple domain hosting. You should have enough resources for this function with the proper VPS  server environment. Your VPS server  plan should also come with a way to back up your data. Experts recommend choosing a service that lets you manually back up your own data. When trouble happens you will be able to restore your system quickly and move on.