Smith, John, Q.
Company Inc.
1234 E. 5th st.
New York, NY 11111
US (555) 555-5555
PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th
Bellevue, WA 98007
US (425) 274-0657
Register a domain and get WHOIS Privacy:
Avoid unwanted spam messages. You get generic email addresses that pass through virus and spam files before being forwarded for your review.
Cut down on junk mail sent to your home or business. You'll receive certified and overnight mail, but not general junk mail solicitations.
Protect your online identity and contact information.
Maintain control while protecting your identity.
Stop data miners from exploiting your personal data.
Ensure your anonymity while you protect your online privacy. Even phone callers are screened and directed to email or postal mail for their inquiries.
Unlike other proxy services, you remain the registrant for the private domain name.