Choosing website hosting can be a complicated task at the best of times, especially if you require affordable hosting as well. Many people have an opinion that cheap web hosting is going to be poor quality and that you won’t receive a good service. Nowadays, that just isn’t true as there is so much competition out there for hosting companies, that the majority will offer you the best service possible for a low price.
However, that doesn’t mean that all web hosting companies are legitimate and some will fail to live up to expectations, which could be a disaster for your business. Whichever type of web hosting you select, and whichever hosting company you choose, reliability is essential for the success of your business.
If you know someone who can recommend a reliable hosting company which they have used, that is great because they have first hand knowledge of the service provided. The usual method is to look at each web hosting company individually and check out any testimonials carefully. Make sure you read the fine print carefully so that you know what you will be receiving and the exact cost.
An unscrupulous hosting company can cause you all sorts of problems such as upgrading you to a more expensive package, even though you haven’t requested it. You may find that your emails and calls go unanswered. At Host Store we believe that a reliable, trustworthy web hosting service will not only help you to succeed online, but also help us to build a good reputation.
Archive for January, 2010
Affordable Web Hosting
Thursday, January 21st, 2010Which Type of Hosting For A Business?
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010In the initial stages of building an online business you will be perfectly fine with shared web hosting, as the shared resources will be sufficient. However, as your marketing efforts become more successful and the traffic to your website grows, you will need a larger share of the resources so will have to consider upgrading your hosting package.
For a website that has high traffic volumes, dedicated hosting is the desired solution so that you will have a complete server and all the memory and storage you want. The downside can be the cost of having a dedicated server which can be rather high depending which company you select for your web hosting.
It is a good idea to check out the web hosting company’s prices and the services you will receive for your money. All hosting companies will offer different services and charge different prices but it is essential that you choose a company that is reliable and will assist you with any problems you have.
A reputable web hosting company such as here at Host Store will have a choice of dedicated server packages which are customizable so that you will get exactly what you are after. We also have a complete support system so that if you have any problems with your hosting you can either search or knowledge base or contact us for help. A company that can guarantee uptime is essential if you are to experience maximum exposure for your business. Choose a hosting company to complement your business and you will find success.
Which Hosting Should You Choose?
Tuesday, January 19th, 2010When you decide to build a website, either for fun or business, you have to decide which kind of website hosting to choose. There are many companies on the market all offering different types of hosting, all at different costs. If you are a beginner to website hosting you may be left reeling from all the choice out there.
The first consideration is the type of website you have. If you are building a small business or want a website as a hobby or for fun, shared web hosting may be suitable. This is hosting which allows several websites to share the resources of one server. However, as you won’t need large amounts of memory or storage initially, this option may suit you just fine. There are many hosting companies that will provide quality hosting packages for a small monthly fee.
Free shared hosting is suitable for a personal website but if you are building your own business it may not be adequate. The largest drawback to the free hosting option is the web address as it will usually contain the hosting company name. This makes it obvious to everyone that you have free hosting and a free domain name, which may not appear professional.
Here at Host store we have web hosting packages that are totally suitable for someone starting out online, all with full data back up and security. We also offer a professional site building service which is especially useful for anyone new to websites and hosting.
How To Choose A Web Hosting Company
Monday, January 18th, 2010There are many benefits of shared web hosting for smaller businesses, such as multiple email accounts, e-commerce solutions and marketing tools. Another, more significant benefit is the cost. Because you are sharing web resources such as space and memory you will be sharing the cost with multiple web owners. However, this does have its downside as you are also sharing security problems and any problems that affect other websites are likely to affect yours also.
Shared web hosting is the commonly used vehicle for most businesses, especially in the early days when they are just starting out. There is no point paying for extra services that you just don’t need. Selecting a web hosting company that can offer you affordable web hosting as well as being able to accommodate your growth is essential. Being able to upgrade to a web hosting package that will grow with your business and the high traffic volumes will make your life easier.
Most hosting companies offer various web hosting solutions and a good company, such as here at Host Store will be happy to advise you to enable you to make the best decision for your business. A reliable company will be able to provide a service which is continuous and will load pages at the fastest speed possible to avoid visitors to your site leaving. There can be problems with shared web hosting and it is crucial that you choose a company that is willing and able to cope with any setbacks you may experience.