Posts Tagged ‘Hosting Virtual’

Hosting Virtual

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Big corporations cut costs on their websites by hosting virtual servers for the company’s use as well as for the use of its clients. In fact, hosting virtual servers is the wave of the future according to industry experts. VPS is a worldwide phenomenon that is gaining popularity daily.  It is popular because of it’s inbuilt flexibility, control and reliability for both the web host as well as the clients and their websites.

Many businesses utilize hosting virtual servers for internal use rather than let company secrets become subject matter via the internet. These intranets are used by customers, employees and other workers in various departments. If there are no security concerns then website architects can merge the hosting virtual technology into a single server. This action reduces management as well as administrative overhead of what would other require a number of separate servers to do the same business.

Hosting a virtual server allows the web host to host more than one domain name on the same computer, sometimes on the same IP address. Hosting virtual servers is the most popular choice on the market today because it comes at the best price for most businesses.  There are two methods to accomplish the hosting of a virtual environment. One is name based, while the other is IP based.  Name based virtual hosts use many host names for the same web server IP address.

A malfunction in the DNS or domain name system will make it harder to access a virtual hosting website. The web browser is not able to recognize which host name to use when this occurs. Inputting the IP address might help. However what usually happens is that the server will answer with a default website and not what the user is looking for. One way to work around this is to add the IP address as well as the host name to the client’s system host file.  If this is done then the server will find the correct domain name and return the correct website.  Another issue with hosting virtual servers is the inability of the host to handle multiple secure websites running SSL.